Friday 9 November 2012

Too much work today. And Boss moved the FAX machine to my cubicle :( ... meaning I can't write as often as I would like, people are always infiltrating my private space in the name of photo-copying. But somehow I am still feeling cheerful enough to start writing and that is because the sun is shining through my office window... a slice of warm orange sun...right here on my left arm, illuminating my boring desk and setting my glass on fire! Oh how I was dying for this... no wonder the scriptures say that sun is life.It is.

 And if you know anything about typefaces, I am composing today in Trebucht font, the one I 'discovered' today while searching for some good non-serif fonts and this one seems quite good for headings and stuff, I am actually using for my next set of documents.

Oh I had an awesome lunch! Ate a full meal maybe a week. Actually my bro came down from his work to meet me. It is nice to see someone you know... I didn't even realise how much I was feeling lonely until I said good-bye to him just now. Did I mention he is not my real brother, he is a cousin. But he is the closest to what I know of a brother. I am an only child...and so my share of exclusive goodies comes with this pack of loneliness. I am mostly ok with it until someone starts those mind boggling stories of sibling rivalry, or you read about the Weasleys. Well, then I start to feel a bit queasy in my stomach... a mix of jealousy and care which mostly urges me to punch that person in the face and start a pseudo-sibling fight then and there. This bro of mine rescues me in such occasions. I swallow my initial response and start enthusiastically about 'us' sometimes conveniently forgetting to mention he is a cousin!

I would be going shopping today after office--- candles, diyas, sweets, decorations, fire-crackers etc etc. This is my first Diwali after I got the job and I don't want anything to fall short in the festivities. I really would like to light candles all all all over our three storeyed home, and also on the fences, on the doorsteps, even all down the 46 winding steps of the staircase, and not for once worry about the number of candles, not do quick mental math to adjust 40 candles in 8 rooms. I have a job and I can do my will. That's nice. That's a nice feeling which I was negating for a long time. Anyway, this is now taking the form of a rant. So I better stop.
Happy Shopping everybody and advance "Happy Dhanteras"... the worship of wealth and happiness, the festival of shopping!! Stay happy and rich you all. :)

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